Peaches and Whites Bouquet


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Quick Overview

A beautiful bouquet consisting of white roses, white lizzianthus, peach roses, gyp, and lush foliage approximately 12inches round bounded in white ribbon. Choice of flowers David Austin roses, Peonie roses when in season, 20% discount applies and a FREE throw away when you book your wedding with us. Wedding Flowers by Floral Art On Preston has a facebook page, like our page and keep up with all the latest specials and fantastic ideas for your wedding.

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Product Description

A beautiful bouquet consisting of white roses, white lizzianthus, peach roses, gyp, and lush foliage approximately 12inches round bounded in white ribbon. Choice of flowers David Austin roses, Peonie roses when in season, 20% discount applies and a FREE throw away when you book your wedding with us. Wedding Flowers by Floral Art On Preston has a facebook page, like our page and keep up with all the latest specials and fantastic ideas for your wedding.